An Ocean Apart

It's over.

I'm both less and more affected than I thought I would be by this joint decision. I figured I might be less affected because I had kind of seen it coming for a long time now. I thought I would be more affected because I am somewhat emotional; I'm not a rock after all.

But the end of it all is that it's over.

[ EDIT: Okay, it's not over over; we're on a break. But it feels like the same thing right now. ]


Anonymous said...

aw, what happen ben? im sorry to hear that the rock is feeling emotional.

Naomi said...

Hmmm, so you can squeeze blood out of a stone.

Take care. Let's go shopping.

Ben said...

Um ... shopping? What do you think I've already been doing?

But anyway, I seem to compile a list as I go on.

Okay, let's go shopping. And eat tubs of chocolate ice cream while watching old movies with Humphrey Bogart in them.

Uh ... or not.