A Welcome Shower

Wow, the rain comes down hard and fast here.

There just isn't much warning, aside from the weather reports. Of course, it's all misleading because the reports say thundershowers, and that morning you wake up and it's actually partly cloudy/sunny and you think (like back in Vancouver/Bay Area) that the meteorologists are just full of it. But suddenly, you get these tiny little nothing-droplets and then another few seconds later, it all comes down. You can get drenched in under 5 seconds -- I was soaked just running across the street! And these are no ordinary drops of rain. No, these droplets are huge. Raindrops on steroids and creatine. Mr. Universe Raindrops. They're like little water bombs that absorb straight into your fabrics and your bones.

But it sure is a fast way to cool down this city and cleanse some of the streets a little. Too bad it leaves your clothes smelling like ... well, like Taiwan.

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