Dream Interwoven

You ever watch a movie where things are somehow conveniently available during your dire times of need? Kind of like in that Ben Affleck movie Paycheck, where he armed himself with the things he would need, and he didn't even know it. I had a dream like that last night.

run, forest, run!I was just moseying along, Then suddenly, They* were after me for something I had allegedly done. Every corner I turned, I found something that would help me get that much further away from Them. Like a book that happened to be on the counter where I was. Or that a cord hanging lots of heavy objects was perfectly within reach, and useful as an impromptu boobytrap. Now, each encounter to another well-placed item didn't seem terribly strange (and you don't really have time to consider that when you're still trying to escape your captors), but I did take careful note of it. This "act" in my dream lasted only a few action-packed minutes.

Then, a flashback -- yeah, a flashback in my dream! (Talk about fancy movie-scripting abilities all in my head!) And suddenly, it was maybe earlier in that same day. And it was all about the general, casual events that were happening, things I was doing in a nearly-normal day while trying to stay out of trouble. Funny thing was, if I happened to be in a certain place, and I didn't need my book, I threw it on the counter ... and suddenly, I took careful notice of that book again, remembering that I would somehow need it later in the day (because I already saw that future in "act one"). Crazy? It was like Reverse Deja-Vu! The whole "dreamday" was filled with such nuances; it just got crazier and crazier how perfect everything seemed to fit in. Every few minutes, I would have one of those "oohhhh" moments, like when you find out that Bruce Willis is actually already dead in Sixth Sense.**

My dream never really explained why I was being chased by Them in the first place, but that's beside the point. What is most interesting is that my mind had somehow concocted this elaborate labyrinthical storyline by itself. That my little brain had, while I was sleeping, created this intriguingly twisty tale all by itself. Or maybe I'm just nuts. I had considered, as soon as I woke up, writing all of it down to turn into a short film script; but eh, was too lazy.

* I suppose They are the huge faceless, nameless, all-powerful organization that all movie protagonists are fighting against, without really knowing why. All we know is that They have some mysterious motives and a grander plan that clearly involves the snuffing-out of our Hero.
** Sorry for anyone who hasn't seen that movie yet. Actually, you know what? I'm not sorry. It's a good movie, and you should have seen it by now.


hougee said...

hee hee.. sounds like a video game :D

Ce said...

I always get chased in my dreams. Don't know what I'm running from.

Ben said...

"Can't keep runnin' away ...
Can't keep runnin' away ...
Can't keep ... runnin' away ...
Can't keep ... runnin' away ...

There comes a time in every mans life when he's gotta handle up on his own.
Can't depend on friends to help you in a squeeze, please, they got problems of their own."
- Pharcyde

Yeah, it was a crazy dream; it even had viewpoints / camera work that resembled an action movie. I can't help but think it must have been unconsciously inspired by some movie I had seen.


hougee said...

camera angles and all of that eh... maybe u have a movie directing talent to be discovered... :)