Dumping Dumplings

I like dumplings. Fried, steamed, boiled, steeped in soup, I love them all. They're like these nicely packaged, delicious little bite-sized meals; how clever is that??

But as with all good things, you can overdo it. Sometimes they soften too much, and they break. I hate it when dumplings splatter their innards all over inside my soup. Their guts are strewn in it, making what used to be a nice clear broth into a murky soup with meat/veggie/noodle bits.

At those times, I like dumplings not-so-much.


Cindy said...

do u make your own? Now I'm hungry!

Ben said...

I've made my own before (with a friend's help), but that was the only time I ever did it (besides when I used to help my mom when I was younger). It's really not hard, but it takes time to do, and you also need the freezer space to store all of them, so they can freeze before they start sticking together.

One day, I'll make them again. I'm saving a lot of things to do for this one special day I hope happens in the future, some three to four years in the future.