Instant Regret

It was like a scene in a movie. I had typed a message in the window, and contemplated sending it. I sat there staring, added a word, and my mouse was ready at the SEND button. I turned my attention to other things, but found the ENTER key drawing my eye. My thumb hovered perilously over the key, threatening to weigh heavier.

Then several things happened in rapid succession. My mind concluded the indecisiveness. My thumb dropped. The key clicked its confirmation. The message disappeared. A deadening fear of the consequences arrived at its destined neuron. My eyes widened.

"Oh, no-no-no-no-no-no ... retract! Retract! Dammit, how do I retract my message??"

And like a person who has just thrown a stone off a skyscraper, I can do nothing but wait and see what happens.

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