Vacations: Good or Bad?

Vacations: we love 'em. We get an itch, we plan them, look forward to them, and go on them. We have (generally) a great time, and then we come back, and after all that, we get to tell all our friends and family about them.

But the aftermath of coming back from vacation is pretty painful: that first day back at work, that unkempt apartment in which you left it, the pile of bills neglected for that week. But mostly, that depressing feeling that you're at work and no longer living the fantasy life of a vacationer.

Sure, vacations make you feel good and give you nice memories. But they sure can make you feel bad afterwards, sadder when you return to your normal routine life.


Master Bull said...

What fantasies did you live out?

Ben said...

You know the one you told me about the mountain goat and the constipating elephant?