Theory Schmeory

A friend recently noticed on my resume that I had a reference to my piano training -- I had completed Grade 9 in the Royal Conservatory of Music curriculum, but didn't go on to finish Grade 10 (or even further afterwards to get a teaching degree). He asked why I didn't just complete Grade 10; I was so close!

Well, the truth is, I couldn't get past Grade 9. It was with the Grade 10 pre-requisite History 4 where I got stuck; too much memorizing. Tried as I did, I just couldn't remember all the mundane details of some composer's life, and I couldn't care less about which instruments came in at which parts of the symphonies and crap like that. I even tried reading the passages, recording it, and playing it back while I slept, hoping it would somehow sink into my subconsciousness.

Nope. The exam has several sections, and you can choose one of several questions for each section. For me, the choice was irrelevant -- I didn't know the answer to either of them anyhow. So ... I just made it all up off the top of my head. I made up the movements, the solos. I created majestic brass melodies and mellow stringed bridges. I envisioned flirty flutes whistling light and fluffy tunes fit for angels. Had I composed the piece I was supposed to be writing about, it would have been a classic.

But instead, the guy who corrected my exam probably had quite the chuckle. And I failed.


Cindy said...

I was playing piano last night going back to my "Adult Beginner" book, lesson one. Dave told me to stop cause it was annoying to him. guess I was doing really BAD!? Hee!

Ben said...

Your husband loves you very much, so if even he can't stand it, it must be pretty bad. Try to practice before he gets home, so you don't bother him. And try to practice before your neighbours get home, so nobody tries to call 911. Good luck to you.

Cindy said...

Shut up! Dave is my son! :) My husband would never criticize me at that! :(

Ben said...

So ... what are you saying? That your husband loves you enough not to criticize you like that, but Dave would? Buy your son some ear muffs, or tell him to hang out outside while you're playing. Or send him to his room with no dinner; that seems to be a standard operation.

Cindy said...

Hey, Ben, are u going to spend chinese new year in vancouver? is your mom going to make some special goodies to celebrate? :)

Ben said...

Why, yes, I am going to play the piano over the Lunar New Year. That must be your question since you're following this thread to post that question, is that right? I'm pretty sure I might be right in my assumption, since we have been on blogs for over a year now, and I can't help but think that we have the procedure and protocol for blog comments down by now. Thank you for your interest.

Cindy said...

I NEVER, NEVER go by the book. That's why I'm so interesting and adorable!!! :) I just love to chance subject when I know I can get u all work up. ha ha!!