Soulmates: The Six

Now that we've covered the idea of a soulmate, let's graduate from that. About three years ago, I was told about a certain short film that was based on the concept that there was no "The One". (And I don't mean that lousy Jet Li movie.) The concept was that you weren't meant to be with one soulmate who was destined to be with you.

Instead, it wasn't The One, but rather The Six. Six mates with whom your personality matches maybe 98% (instead of one who matches 100%). Six people with whom you would feel like they were in fact "The One".

I think this is a nice way to look at it because it addresses some people's hesitations of believing that there could be soulmates out there for them. On the other hand, so many people are in constant search of that one soulmate, that they dismiss perfectly good relationships for minimal reasons.

- What if you never meet The One? That is, what if he/she lives in Zimbabwe or South Africa? The Six gives you that "insurance" of having five others.

- The Six assumes that no person in this world is 100% for you, which dispels the myth that any relationship is completely effortless and easy breezy. Every relationship takes work, takes compromise, takes getting used to, takes sacrifices -- some more, and some fewer. So finding The One doesn't mean you'll never have relationship problems, but people expect it to be like that.

- Or, what if you get to meet, but the timing isn't right for both of you? If you're with The One, you expect that the two of you will be intertwined in the beginning, and will grow in that same direction effortlessly. With The Six, that 2% where you don't match shows that you do have to work on it, that you might sway as you experience different things in life together, but your work into the relationship makes it all work.

- Or again, about timing, what if they are in another relationship at the time and never realize the signs that you're their One? Common occurrence.

- Finally, having six possible soulmates removes that "barrier to exit" that so many people feel. I've heard of a lot of people who feel like they met their soulmate and would never let go of that relationship -- even when it started to lose its lustre and go a little south -- because they didn't want to give up that soulmate they had found, in the belief that they'd never find anyone more suitable for them than the soulmate they're with. Having the six just means there's five more possibilities out there.

Sorry, kind of a long post, but those are just some of my thoughts. What do you think?


S said...

> Six mates with whom your personality matches maybe 98% (instead of one who matches 100%).

Sounds like a nifty movie, I should see if I can find it =)

Who exactly are you going to trust to understand the often dynamic nature of human personalities, temperaments, morals, values, needs, desires, priorities, Jung/Myers-Briggs Archetypes or anything like that well enough to be able to pair you up with 6 soulmates?

*wry grin* What if there's something fundamentally wrong with the theories they've based their matching criteria on?

What if there were actually more than 6 equally good matches and they only list them by alphabetical order?

What if there's a bug in their algorithm? *snorfle*

Naomi said...

What if you are so incredibly lucky as to meet two of your six soulmates? Whether you know them during the same period of your life or another. How would you "choose"? Toughie.

head dump said...

Well, accoring the MSN horoscopes, there isn't just one soulmate for everyone. And soulmates don't necessary refer to a loved one, it could be a friend, a family member too. It is someone who compliments you, a mate a partner for life. We often focus so much on finding that ONE, but we forget that our best friends have been by our sides longer than any future wife/husband we meet.