That One Extra Button

Some time ago, I mentioned the added buttons on my microwave -- the "+30 seconds" button, for instance -- and how it's changed how we tend to use microwaves (and how we tend to overcook foods in lieu of convenience). In my old apartment, I could walk up to the thing, put my food in and close the door, then press 1 through 6 for instantly setting corresponding number of minutes. One press, and off it goes.

Well, now, I'm using a different microwave. If I want any increment of one minute, like before, it now takes two keypresses: the "quick set" button, and then the number of minutes I want. Ah, but at least there's a "+30 seconds" button on this one too. Except ... well, even that button won't just start: you press "+30s", and have to press "start" to get it to go. Still two keypresses. Everything takes two "clicks" now -- that's twice the effort, meaning half the efficiency! Incredibly irritating. (Never thought I would become so opinionated about the workings of a microwave -- yet another indication that I might just have to build my own kitchen from the ground up, in my future home.)

Damn, I've become lazy. (Even more, I mean.)


Kevin said...

Wow... that's awful!! It's awful to hear that of all the things that can be going on in your life, microwave one-to-two button presses has surfaced as important enough to place on a blog. ... but since you did post it, I should mention that the microwave I use now has a dial for power and a dial for time. How simple is that!

Ben said...

Yes, it is a rather striking experience to have to double the keypresses to get the same stuff done. But I think I've finally seen the light, because I'm getting used to two presses: when I move to a newer microwave with a one-keypress-flow, I will again experience the joy of one-click! Hooray! What a great day it will be for everyone!