We all know that being friends and being closer than friends can be just a thin line, and yet a world apart. My ex couldn't understand this; she had a fear that I didn't know that line as well as I really did. Another ex never told me, but I know she had an issue with that too, particularly with Karen. (Actually, seems like Karen will be the downfall of all future girlfriends who don't believe I can behave myself around fun girls.) Anyway, back to my original point.

The thin line. They say you should spend your life with your best friend, and I've always believed that "friendship first" concept makes sense; just like I think finding a girl/guy as a "friend's friend" is the ideal way to go. But I think my personality and behaviour can become completely different if I ever cross that line and become a boyfriend instead of a friend. And how does one step into that world without changing the nature of the relationship, the one that got you two along so well before? I mean, one treats a girlfriend more special than treating a regular friend, right? But we usually hold our friends dear anyway!

So, an invitation to any who have become more than friends with previous friends ... I don't know the answer. Just wondering.

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