Knuckle Sandwich for a Mosquito

I have been attacked. I sport a mosquito bite on my tricep, my right one (your left). I've got a fresh one on my left calf. They itch like hell. Even the two on the inside of my left ankle, which rub against my shoe when I walk.

But the worst one by far, is the one on my left ring finger knuckle. It's constantly irritated because I do put things in my left pocket and I do still bend my fingers. Pretty much everything agitates this damned thing, and it's still bumped up like a blister! Where's the worst place you'd ever gotten a mosquito bite, and what can you buy to make it go away??


Anonymous said...

Calamine lotion or baking soda paste underneath a small band-aid is a good solution. Unless you have West Nile Virus.

Anonymous said...

try "mopiko", it's an ointment


Cindy said...

Try soy sauce!

Naomi said...

Worst place? Hmm ... let's try .. my lip? my eyelid? outside of my ankles? my wrists? Have you not been reading my blog? I'm still sporting red scars from the dozen bites on my left arm from 2 weeks ago.

What helps? Ice. And willpower. But that last one doesn't work for me. At all.

Cindy said...

Did u read my blog today?