
I have blogger's block. I have no idea what to write about, and my usually-loquacious self (at least in writing) has run out of things to say. Must fix that somehow.


James said...
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Ben said...

I suppose I could write about how to party and still keep your shoes on, but the problem was that I wasn't really partying so much. I was sober: DD for the night (which was fine by me). I was mostly laughing at the girl who was partying and couldn't keep her shoes on. That's another day's story, though.

Ce said...

You need to smoke some good shiiite. Then the ideas will come.

Cindy said...

Hey Ben, tell us where you are planning to spend Christmas and New Year?! :D

Ben said...

For the two holidays -- and even Thanksgiving before that -- I will be spending them with people I care about. After that, what does it really matter where?

(Anyway, if my plan goes according to ... uh ... plan, all three will be in different countries.)

Cindy said...

Good luck on your new "plan"! Don't get discourage if it doesn't work out. You are still young! :D