In my book of life, there's no excuse for cheating. None at all. I just don't see how any kind of justification for cheating could be made. I think I've summed it up pretty well here.

- Even if he/she has not been treating you properly, you have a way out: breaking up. Nobody is really forced to stay in a relationship. Even economic reasons do not stand up to this.

- If you meet someone and are suddenly overcome with serious temptation, so much so that you could forget you are in a committed relationship already, then you should have taken that "way out" a long time ago. You should not have delayed it until now that opened the possibility of you cheating.

- If you entered a committed relationship, you should have stopped all other dating at that time. If you hadn't, you shouldn't have started the commitment in the first place.

- At no time during your life should you treat a partner with such disrespect as a human being. And certainly, hiding it does you no good. Karma upon you.

No, this did not happen to me. Something that happened near me had spawned this train of thought.

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