Horoscope, My Ass

I personally believe that horoscopes (and other such forms of fortunetelling) are mostly crap. The idea that your personality could be based simply on the planetary alignment or the date and time you were born seems rather silly to me. And the kind of fortunes that seem to show up in horoscopes and cookies and such are so vague that they simply apply to just about everyone! So, with this attitude, I set out to write some of my own. My guess is that you would agree that these more or less apply to you.

"Although you are often times considerate, there are moments when you just care about yourself and what you want."
"Your friends really like you, and for those friends you truly care about, you will go out of your way to help them in a time of need."
"Although people misunderstand you sometimes, you are good-natured and very considerate. But if someone crosses you and wears out your patience, you sometimes ignore them and move on."
"You wish your soulmate to be playful, somewhat outgoing, faithful, and sexy."
"You find yourself occasionally questioning the work of others, while admiring and revering that of others as well."
"An exciting adventure or vacation would be welcome in your life in the near future."
"One plus one makes two."

Any that you have to add?