
Over the past 5+ years, I've noticed that my life has somehow become logistically too complicated. It's not that I'm necessarily achieving any more than anyone else (sometimes it feels like just the opposite), but rather, there seem to be way too many steps and procedures that I need to do in my own pragmatic little way.

And the result is, I'm busy with life.

Busy just trying to maintain it, instead of move forward with it. But how can I help fix this problem? I imagine that eventually, it will indirectly cause health problems for me.

So I've started on a recent quest to simplify things, to give up control of exactly-how-i-like-it to close-enough-but-at-least-greatly-automated. And thus, I share with you some of my recent findings.

Mainly, I enjoy RSS feeds from lifehacker and zen habits, many articles of which are targeted to simplifying life. Some are good articles, some are pure garbage or (for me) exceedingly unrealistic, and some really hit home for victims of digital packrattery like me.

Hope that helps you too.


Anonymous said...

digital packrattery is good. =)

Kevin said...

I think I fall under the don't-do-things-to-complicate-your-life-unless-you-really-think-it's-worth-it crowd.

Complications in life, in my opinion, are associated with wasted money too.

I've used the same chump cell phone for 3 years until a freebie came along.

That said, I have a crazy busy life with a million things (yes, really, ONE MILLION!) going on at once. I prefer a busy life, but not complicated. But it's gotten to the point that even when I'm resting, I feel busy.

Someone needs to unwind.

Kevin said...

In case you can't read that...

don't-do-things-to-complicate- your-life-unless-you-really-think- it's-worth-it